Roehampton Garden Society

Policies and Agreements

Rules for Plotholders

Every Tenant of an allotment plot must be a fully paid-up member of the Roehampton Garden Society, and will be required to sign a tenancy agreement drawn up by Enable (WBC). In so doing, each Tenant also agrees to abide by the Rules of the RGS, which are binding.

The full RGS rules, together with the current policies for plot inspections, and plot letting procedure are available from this page (see Documents to Read.) The RGS rules and policies explain your responsibilities as a Tenant (plotholder). There is a policy to cover most circumstances. There are also policies for structures, tree planting and maintenance, and keeping bees or poultry.

Before you decide to put up a shed or greenhouse, plant a tree, or keep bees or poultry, please read the relevant documents to check for suitability, and notify your site secretary.