Coronavirus information
The allotments are open.
The toilets are closed.
To avoid risk whilst you are there:
The bolts on the gates will be disabled so no one needs to touch them.
Open the gate with your key, push or pull it with your elbow or foot if you need to. Do not touch the gate.
Do not touch the taps – metal retains viral contamination. You can use the dipping tanks for water. If a hose is essential, follow instructions on the taps carefully.
COMMUNAL WHEEL-BARROWS, SHOVELS and other equipment will not be available.
We now know to keep at least 2 metres (7 feet) distance apart.
If you share your plot with someone you do not live with you should come to your plot at different times.
If it is difficult to sustain a 2metre distance with your plot neighbour, negotiate different times to come to your plots 2m from any other person.
PUBLIC TRANSPORT: If you normally come to your plot by public transport and are unable to travel, please let us know so we will understand if your plot is not up to its usual standard.
The Store on site 2 is open each Sunday (10 am-12 noon) with distancing and contactless payment in place.
On site 3 composts and fertilisers can be bought direct from the shed (contactless payment only) between 10.30 and 12.15 on Sundays. More information on the Store Page.
The Committee feel it is very important for our mental and physical health to continue allotmenteering. We need to do and show we have done everything possible to contain risk of spreading this highly contagious virus in order to preserve this privilege we all enjoy. Please use your trip to the allotments as beneficial exercise.