Roehampton Garden Society

AGM and Awards 2023

We are delighted to invite all members to our

Social and AGM
Thursday 16th November, St. Margaret’s Church, Putney Park Lane.

7.00pm welcome drinks and snacks, 7.30pm business meeting 8.00pm prizegiving, Christmas Cake raffle and results of the RGS Logo Competition. 8.30pm refreshments


The RGS committee has been working on an updated constitution. Members will be asked to agree this at the AGM. Read about it here.
Annual reports from the committee are listed below. Please read them and bring your questions, comments and suggestions to the AGM.

Chair’s report

In my report I will review what has happened during this RGS year that is from November 2022 to now, sketch out plans for next year and touch on who makes all these things happen.. Helen Finch

Read the full report

Trading Secretary and Seeds reports

Trading: We have had another good year for the Store on Site 2 and the sheds on Site 3. People really appreciate having the facility to buy heavy items on Site 3… Gill Tamsett Read the full report

Seeds: Seed sales are up on last year, especially for peas, broad beans and runner beans. We stock over ten different varieties of tomato plus around two hundred other varieties of vegetables and flowers from Kings Seeds. We offer a 10% discount on all seed sales.

The Seeds area in the site 2 shop is fully stocked. We have many different varieties of broad beans to plant now and lots of seasonal vegetables to plant in January/ February. Annie Hardinge

Show Chair’s report

Writing this during storm Ciaran it is hard to remember that both the summer and autumn shows this year were held on two of the hottest days of the year.
The summer show was held again on Site 2 at the end of June. Although it was very hot there was a strong breeze which played havoc with the tablecloths…. Read the full report

Site 2 Secretary’s report

It has been a busy year on site 2. We said goodbye to Pip Melotte as a very long standing plot holder and contributor to RGS activities but she remains an RGS honorary life member and she does come to our shows. Also Pam Partridge who had a plot for a long time finally relinquished her plot…….. Helen Finch

Read the full report

Site 3 Secretaries’ reports

Inner Area (Plots 101-127)
Alison Linton was site secretary until March 2023. I took over thereafter and I am grateful to Alison for her very helpful handover. During the past 12 months turnover has been very low with only 4 plots being reallocated….. Richard Standen Read full report
Outer Area (Plots 50-100)
The weather this year has been very mixed with long dry periods followed by heavy rain. Crops on most plots were good though, especially tomatoes, and the blight held off until the end of the season. Some plot holders still have large grassed areas which is a pity when crops could be grown in lieu. Foxes continue to damage plots……Vivien Fowler Read full report

Waiting List report

There are currently 366 people on the Primary Waiting List. 85 people were added to the list in the last 12 months and the wait time is about 4 years. As usual approximately 10% (25) of our plots changed hands this year…. Jackie Savage Read the full report

Read Minutes of AGM 2022.
Reports from the 2022 AGM can be read here.

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