Roehampton Garden Society

Peat Free growing is here to stay…

Peat Free compost is here and ever improving – but it’s a challenge to get to grips with the changes in growing. To help, the RHS has started a ‘Peat Free’ advice service and it’s open to all, not just members. To ask your question, just send an email to Nikki Barker at

It seems that we need to be more careful with watering – it’s not true that it doesn’t hold water well – but the top dries quickly and gives the impression of dryness. If we then water without checking further down, the waterlogged plant may die. 

We all need to know more here. The RHS itself will be completely peat free by the end of this year.

Here’s more Peat Free advice for Gardeners – including helping out with your own compost….

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