Roehampton Garden Society

Allotment supplies: Manure, Bark, Compost

Wood chip, manure and compost : supply situation

Wood Chip

Currently we have 3 tree surgeons who supply both sites – Hardy Tree Surgeons, Putney Tree Surgeons and Green Industree Ltd. They know we prefer good quality chip without too much leaf, especially leylandii and eucalyptus. As deliveries are infrequent it would be useful if any RGS member knows of, or is using another tree surgeon who may be able to supply us, to contact RGS with their details. Access to both sites is not easy for chipping wagons and any potential supplier needs to be aware of this.


Despite all efforts we have been unable to find a local stable who will supply and deliver manure. We have had inferior quality manure delivered from other sources in the past but it was not popular. Again, if any RGS member has a contact with a local stable please could they let RGS know.

Manure can be collected free from Ham House stables TW10 7RS (contact Kate Ferguson 07803 015437 before visiting), Wimbledon Village stables and The Willows, Cobham KT11 2SL (contact Micki 07583 860618). There may be others.


We have recently had deliveries of free good quality compost from Enable who manage Wandsworth’s Parks. We shall continue with this as long as supplies are available.

With thanks to:

Vivien Fowler

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