Roehampton Garden Society

Wisley Garden opens a new welcome centre

The RHS has opened it’s new ‘state of the art’ welcome building, which includes a cafe, restaurant, shop – including botanical bookstore and a new plant centre.

Watch the opening here

The plant centre is stocked with an amazing array of plants, showcasing British nurseries. At the opening on 10th June the RHS ambassador Alan Tichmarsh spoke about their important contribution to our horticulture.

Alan Tichmarsh said “Millions visit Wisley every year to be inspired by the horticulture on display and now the RHS flagship site will be a permanent showcase to celebrate specialist UK growers….. These plant specialists lovingly grow the rarest, most unusual and beautiful varieties in the world, which thrive in UK gardens because they’re so used to our climate….. I promise to help Greening Great Britain by continuing to promote and buy from specialist UK growers. If the UK’s army of 27 million gardeners were to do the same, we would be protecting the UK from pests and diseases coming in from abroad; helping pollinators which need a diverse range of plants in order to survive; and supporting this vital industry that is worth more than £24 billion to the UK economy.”

Summer Show 2019 – Sunday 9th June

Our new style Summer Show will take place on the RGS Allotments Site 2 at 1pm. Come and enjoy meeting other gardeners – lunch in the open air and view the exhibits. The plant stall will be busy as usual and there’s a cake competition for all our bakers.

It’s an opportunity to showcase the lovely things we grow – please do enter for at least one class. There’s lots of advice about how to do this in the ‘Guidance for entrants’ and a full list of classes in the ‘Summer Show Schedule’ – which also has an entry form attached. Bring your exhibits along between 10 am and 12 noon.

Can you help the Putney Community gardeners

Dear Roehampton gardeners!

We’re writing to you from up the hill on Putney Community Gardens! This is our third year and we’re working hard and learning a lot! Some of our raised beds are East facing and surrounded by high blocks so have limited sunshine, they are also far from a water source.  We’ve decided that a few hardy pollinator friendly or forageable perennials is the way forwards with managing these plots.   We do our best to do swaps, find and use salvaged plants and take cuttings. We therefore wanted to reach out and ask if any of you might be in the process of thinning your perennials at this time of year? If you have any shrubs or cuttings to spare, we plan on visiting the allotments shop on the Pleasance on Sunday the 10th of February and would be delighted to pick up any plants going spare and spread the pollen up the hill!   Alternatively feel free to drop off any plants during our gardening session on February the 17th from 10-12 🙂

Thank you for reading and helping out! 

Rowan, Floriane, Blae and Charlotte from Putney Community Gardens

Important 2019 dates for allotment holders

February 20th Check your email for your invoice. If it hasn’t arrived let us know
February 28thGiving up your allotment? Let us know before this date (by e-mail or post) to avoid April’s rent.
March 31stPay your invoice before this date (cheque or bank transfer only please) and collect your new membership card from the store.
For Associate members (RGS subscription £2.50) cash will be accepted in the store and membership cards will be issued at that time.

How to Contact Us

Use our contact form
Text: 07736 422 373.
By Post: RGS, The Pleasance Allotments, The Pleasance, London SW15 5HF

Changes to RHS London Shows for 2019

The RHS is moving several shows away from the Horticultural Halls in London to RHS gardens. This includes the RHS Early Spring Plant Fair and the RHS Harvest Festival Show both moving to RHS Garden Hyde Hall in Essex. Once the new events building is open at Wisley, one or more of the shows may move from Hyde Hall to Wisley in 2020.

The first London show in 2019 will be the RHS Orchid Show & Plant Fair on 8-10 April.

The relocated shows at Hyde Hall and Wisley will be free for RHS members.

Autumn Show 2018 – Schedule and Entry Form

The Autumn Show will take place on 8th September at 3.00pm in St. Margaret’s Church Hall, Putney Park Lane. We hope the sunshine has encouraged some good crops this year.

Autumn Show Schedule 2018
Autumn Show Entry form 2018
Rules for Competitions and Shows

We would welcome cakes and biscuits for the refreshment stall, preserves for the produce stall, along with cuttings and plants. Also tombola items, including any for children. Please do come along to support, enjoy the show and meet your fellow allotmenteers.
If you could volunteer to help on Saturday, or particularly to set up the hall on Friday evening (7th Sept) please email or let Carol Martinez know.

Summer Show 2018 – 16th June – Schedule and Entry Form

Mariangela’s best flowers

All grown in Roehampton!

It’s time for the RGS Summer Show – let’s hope the sunshine brings out some wonderful produce.

There are some interesting new categories – so please check out the schedule of exhibits and entry form below.

We look forward to seeing you on 16th June at St. Margaret’s Church Hall.

If you can help with:
  • transporting tables from the store on the Friday evening
  • general help on the day
  • baking a cake for the refreshments stall
  • donating items for the raffle or bottle tombola
  • donating surplus seedlings or produce
please contact Carol Martinez through .
Summer Show entry form here and the Schedule for entries here

Please come along and support, see the entries, meet your fellow allotmenteers, have a cup of tea and home-made cake and relax and enjoy the afternoon. See you there!