Roehampton Garden Society

Get ready for our Summer Show 2021

In spite of the double challenge of Covid and the coldest April this century, the RGS will hold a Summer Show by the store on Site 2 on Sunday 13th June.
Many allotmenteers may not have entered the show previously, so the ‘preparing exhibits’ section below may help. Find the forms you need on this page.
Even if you don’t enter we hope to see you there from 3pm. The auction of produce will start at 4pm.

There will be a Plants and Produce stall and Tea and Cakes to enjoy.
If you have some spare plants/seedlings or produce, or could make a few cakes (in paper cases, like muffins, please) please bring them to the store between 10am and 1pm on the day.
Please do wear a mask, and bring cash for the tea and cakes stall.

Entries and Staging 11.30-13.30 – Judging 14.00- 15:00 – Open to All 15:00

Summer Show Classes and Entry Form

FInd a printable copy of the classes and entry form here

How to Enter

Entries for the Summer Show 2021 are to be made

  • At the store on site 2 between 11.30 and 13.00 on the morning of the Show (13th June)


  • All exhibits are to be staged between 11.30 and 13.30 on the day of the Show.
  • Wherever possible give the name of the variety with each exhibit
  • All exhibits should be removed at 16.15 on the day of the Show (not earlier) or it will be assumed they are for donating to the auction.
  • A sticker will be available to put on entry card to say the item is not for the auction.

Be careful!

Please study the rules governing entry to the Society’s shows.

Failure to follow the rules and regulations will result in disqualification.

Preparing exhibits for display – do it right!

Some helpful guidance can be found here.

Rules for this Show

Here are the rules for the RGS Summer Show – which follow RHS Show rules here .

The store will be open as usual from 10 – 12.

Want to know more about our shows? Look here:

Pictures from the 2019 summer show

A sunny, special occasion with a festive feel, the summer show was a great success and enjoyed by all. With thanks to those who set up, served, baked, judged, helped, enjoy re-visiting the occasion – or see what you missed! Full results in the next bulletin.

Summer Show 2019 – Sunday 9th June

Our new style Summer Show will take place on the RGS Allotments Site 2 at 1pm. Come and enjoy meeting other gardeners – lunch in the open air and view the exhibits. The plant stall will be busy as usual and there’s a cake competition for all our bakers.

It’s an opportunity to showcase the lovely things we grow – please do enter for at least one class. There’s lots of advice about how to do this in the ‘Guidance for entrants’ and a full list of classes in the ‘Summer Show Schedule’ – which also has an entry form attached. Bring your exhibits along between 10 am and 12 noon.

Autumn Show Results and Picture Gallery 2018

Read the list of 2018 Autumn Show First Prize Winners

Click on the gallery to view the show:-

This gallery contains 61 photos