Roehampton Garden Society

Autumn Show 2018 – Schedule and Entry Form

The Autumn Show will take place on 8th September at 3.00pm in St. Margaret’s Church Hall, Putney Park Lane. We hope the sunshine has encouraged some good crops this year.

Autumn Show Schedule 2018
Autumn Show Entry form 2018
Rules for Competitions and Shows

We would welcome cakes and biscuits for the refreshment stall, preserves for the produce stall, along with cuttings and plants. Also tombola items, including any for children. Please do come along to support, enjoy the show and meet your fellow allotmenteers.
If you could volunteer to help on Saturday, or particularly to set up the hall on Friday evening (7th Sept) please email or let Carol Martinez know.

Summer Show 2018 – 16th June – Schedule and Entry Form

Mariangela’s best flowers

All grown in Roehampton!

It’s time for the RGS Summer Show – let’s hope the sunshine brings out some wonderful produce.

There are some interesting new categories – so please check out the schedule of exhibits and entry form below.

We look forward to seeing you on 16th June at St. Margaret’s Church Hall.

If you can help with:
  • transporting tables from the store on the Friday evening
  • general help on the day
  • baking a cake for the refreshments stall
  • donating items for the raffle or bottle tombola
  • donating surplus seedlings or produce
please contact Carol Martinez through .
Summer Show entry form here and the Schedule for entries here

Please come along and support, see the entries, meet your fellow allotmenteers, have a cup of tea and home-made cake and relax and enjoy the afternoon. See you there!

The 2017 Autumn Show – Picture Post and First Prize Winners

Click on a picture to enjoy the picture gallery.

Read the list of Autumn Show First Prizewinners 2017

The 2017 Summer Show – Captured on Camera and First Prize Winners

Click on a picture to enjoy the picture gallery.

Read the list of  first prize winners summer show 2017

Show gallery 2014

Enjoy our photo gallery -click to see the show.