Roehampton Garden Society

Planet Friendly Gardening

The RHS have launched a Sustainability Policy to help gardeners make a contribution to tackling our climate crisis.

What we all do on a small scale can make a difference. The RHS say….

We all have a responsibility to help mitigate the climate and biodiversity crisis. As gardeners, we’re perfectly placed to support our environment through sustainable growing. Many of us are already planet-friendly gardeners, but there’s always more we can do or help to spread the word across our communities.
To coincide with our new Sustainability Strategy, we’ve put together ten easy tasks that all gardeners can complete to support their local environment. From watering the way nature intended, to making your own compost or growing your own flowers for bouquets – each and every one of us can make a difference in the climate crisis.

RHS Communities

Many of these suggestions are already in evidence on our allotments, but here’s one you may be interested in and could encourage others to do…

Here’s an inspiring set of ideas for Front Gardens….Read Now

And here are all the 10 suggestions ….Read Now

AGM and Prizegiving 2021 🥇✨🎈

12th November, St. Margaret’s Church, Putney Park Lane.

7.00pm welcome drinks and snacks, 7.30pm business meeting 8.15pm prizegiving, 8.30pm refreshments

After last year’s online style AGM we are delighted to be meeting in person this year.

Committee Nominations for 2021/22 are here. There is still time to join the committee – please email or telephone Helen at the number on the Nominations document.

Full agenda and reports for members from the committee are listed below. Please read them and bring your questions and comments to the AGM.

Full Agenda

1. Apologies.

2. Papers from distance AGM 2020

3. Chair’s report– included amendment in the document ‘Offering Plots to let’ for approval by the membership:

4. Treasurer’s report and Accounts

5. Other Committee papers: from Site Secretaries, Trading Secretary, Show Chair, Waiting list Secretaries. These available on website only.

6. Questions from the floor

7. Election of Committee 2021/22

8. Any Other Business

9. Presentation of Cups

10. Refreshments

2020 AGM report summary

For more details and reports please see the special AGM page here

Allotments have never been so popular..

Freedom of information requests to more than 300 local councils have shown that allotment waiting lists are at a high point. Lockdown seems to have sharpened interest in allotmenteering, but with Camden heading the waiting times at about 17 years, it may be quite a stretch before people can start growing things. The record waiting time was recorded in Camden at 18 years and 3 months (6,690 days)!

Terry Dickinson, London representative for the National Allotment Society, said that, given the huge benefits of cultivating an allotment, including to mental health, it was vital that more space be made available for new plots in the capital. Richmond and Wandsworth councils confirmed that there had been a large rise in applications for an allotment since lockdown began.

At least 40 allotments have been closed in London in the last 8 months.

The waiting time in Richmond and Wandsworth is currently about 11 years. We allotmenteers are a fortunate bunch….

Taken from a press article submitted by Maria Penchard

Store News for November

📚 The store is well stocked with a lovely selection of Kings seeds – all with a 10% discount.

🔮 It’s never too early to think about Christmas gifts for a gardener in your life – perhaps gloves, small hand tools and a pretty packet of seeds? Or plant labels, kneeler and a new watering can? The store has it all!

Please Note: The store will be closed after Sunday 5th December.

All our stock is very competitively priced – check the price list here.


Remember to sow your over-wintering Sweet Peas, Broad Beans, Peas, shallots and garlic before the cold weather hits.


Looking ahead to January 2022 make sure you have your seeds of tomato, pepper, celeriac, celery and aubergines ready to start off on the kitchen windowsill! We have several varieties of tomato seed in stock including some blight resistant ones (Crokini, Mountain Magic and the Organic Koralik). Some people swear by starting their sweet peas in January too.

You will find helpful advice on our website and can plan your whole year using our Planting Calendar here

DIARY DATE: Last date for the store opening is Sunday 5th December

A Forest Garden project begins..

The latest project from Putney Community Gardeners is a year long plan to establish a forest garden on a new site located at the corner of Carslake road and Hayward road. A consultation event is planned for those living locally, near the site, as the design will influence their local environment, access, lighting, play spaces etc. If you consider yourself to be local, or are interested in longer term care for the site, then pencil in November 28th (note change of date!) in your diary and look out for more details soon!

They say:

We are currently looking to put together a core team who are able to dedicate about 2-4 hours per week to see this project to fruition. If you’re interested in finding out more, we will be having a zoom call from 6-7:30pm on Tuesday the 19th of Feb where you can find out more about the project and decide if you’d like to join the core team. If you’re interested in attending this call please email and we’ll send you a link. 

Putney Community Gardeners have so many interesting growing spaces now – you might like to check them out on this interactive map: here

How to grow currant bushes – a workshop

Become an expert on growing all types of currant bushes, at a full day workshop at Carshalton Community Allotments in the New Year. They say:

Currants (including blackcurrants, gooseberries, redcurrants and jostaberries) may be small, but they pack a real nutrition punch. Growing currants gives excellent yields of fruit over many years. Bushes can grow large, but most currants can be trained to grow in smaller spaces and fit into a tiny garden.

The ‘hands on’ workshop is led by Sarah Foss, RHS qualified fruit grower and tutor.

–       Learn about types of currants, planting, training and pruning

–       Practical experience in winter pruning a variety of currant bushes

–       Common pests & diseases and how to reduce damage without resorting to chemical sprays




Saturday 29th January 2022 10.30-3.30pm

Carshalton Community Allotment SM5 2PW


Advance booking recommended. Visit to book or find out more.

💦Wandsworth Together in Climate Change

Monday 8th to Saturday 13th November.

Find information and events all over Wandsworth and online.

See the whole program here

A festival week of events and courses to help us focus on what we each can do about climate change.

Some events to do with energy consumption – others focused on re-cycling or up-cycling, or just consuming less. Biodiversity walks, events for children and families, energy advice, and information for all culminating in the main event at Battersea Arts Centre on Saturday 13th November. This is a free but ticketed event – book using this link

Don’t miss The Climate Change Information Stall at Putney Library on Thursday 11th November from 9.30 – 12.30

  • Electric vehicle webinar
  • Home composting event
  • Refill Wandsworth
  • Stepping out of the family car – webinar
  • Upcycling workshop – Roehampton
  • Biodiversity walk and talk – Battersea power station
  • Impact of air pollution – action plan
  • River Wandle Walk
  • Toy swap – Roehampton

How to store Apples

It’s a lovely thing to have a good crop of fruit – and this year has been good for apples. There are always more ready than we can eat, but, if carefully picked, you may be able to enjoy them for weeks ahead.

How long your apples will keep is all down to the variety and how they are stored.
Bramley seedling and Cox’s orange pippin may last well until Christmas, and others such as Pixie or Sturmer Pippin can keep as long as March. In general the early varieties don’t store quite as long.

All apples stored in a dark, cool place should keep for a month or two if they are undamaged. Store in a ventilated box or tray as good airflow reduces disease.

There is good advice on how to keep your apples on the RHS website here . See the useful 5 minute video from Jim Arbury, RHS Fruit and Trials specialist.

How to dry Apples

If you have apples to store, and enjoy dried apple rings or chips, try oven drying.

Your oven will need a slow setting (less than 150C, (300F) is ideal). Wash and dry the apples carefully, then core and slice thinly. Dip in dilute lemon juice to prevent browning in the air, and cook very slowly on a parchment covered baking tray. Turn after 1 hour – but the final drying time could be anywhere between 2-8 hours. Leave to cool in the oven.

Dried apple slices or apple chips will keep for months in an airtight bag.

Here’s some help and lots of detail from the website WikiHow

An Apple day for Granard School

A small group from Granard Primary school came to the allotments on Monday 27th October as part of their on-going visits to our sites. On this occasion we talked about Autumn and each child picked an apple from plot holder Laura Davis’s tree. (You can see Laura helping in the photo.) Then, sitting in our new communal area, the teacher dissected an apple and the pupils were given a worksheet to name parts of an apple and they could then take the fruit home or eat it.

Every Monday afternoon (weather permitting) a small group of children and teachers from Granard school, visit our allotments. In the past many plot holders have been very friendly and shown and discussed with the pupils what they are doing on their plots. We have looked closely at fruit, vegetables and flowers as well as insects and birds. Whatever takes their fancy!

If you would like to meet the children they usually come at 2pm on a Monday and stay for about an hour.

submitted by Jackie Savage