Roehampton Garden Society

Urgent: action needed to counter tomato blight

Growing tomatoes this year? It’s that time of year, when rain and warmth together mean tomato blight can flourish. Many allotmenteers may be affected – particularly on outdoor grown plants.

There is no recommended remedy available at present, unfortunately, but in the early stages, removing affected leaves and fruit may slow things down. Once the stems are affected you must harvest any fruit you can and pull up and destroy the plant.

What to Do

  • Please check tomatoes now – early signs can be brown spots on leaves and fruit.
  • If blight is established, pull up the plant and bag it. Clean your hands and tools – not in the water tanks, please! You can keep any green tomatoes and eat any unaffected ripe ones.
  • Don’t put affected fruit and plants in your compost bin – the temperature is unlikely to be high enough to kill the spores and blight will come back next year. You can put them in green waste collection for the council as their facility runs at higher temperatures.
  • To avoid spreading blight, be careful when watering tomatoes. Don’t splash water up the stems or on to lower leaves as the soil may contain blight spores.

Watch Monty deal with his tomato blight problem here:

Here’s advice from the RHS also: .

Let’s see if we can stop it spreading now ……….

If anyone has treatment recommendations to share, please do contact us by email.

Get ready for our Summer Show 2021

In spite of the double challenge of Covid and the coldest April this century, the RGS will hold a Summer Show by the store on Site 2 on Sunday 13th June.
Many allotmenteers may not have entered the show previously, so the ‘preparing exhibits’ section below may help. Find the forms you need on this page.
Even if you don’t enter we hope to see you there from 3pm. The auction of produce will start at 4pm.

There will be a Plants and Produce stall and Tea and Cakes to enjoy.
If you have some spare plants/seedlings or produce, or could make a few cakes (in paper cases, like muffins, please) please bring them to the store between 10am and 1pm on the day.
Please do wear a mask, and bring cash for the tea and cakes stall.

Entries and Staging 11.30-13.30 – Judging 14.00- 15:00 – Open to All 15:00

Summer Show Classes and Entry Form

FInd a printable copy of the classes and entry form here

How to Enter

Entries for the Summer Show 2021 are to be made

  • At the store on site 2 between 11.30 and 13.00 on the morning of the Show (13th June)


  • All exhibits are to be staged between 11.30 and 13.30 on the day of the Show.
  • Wherever possible give the name of the variety with each exhibit
  • All exhibits should be removed at 16.15 on the day of the Show (not earlier) or it will be assumed they are for donating to the auction.
  • A sticker will be available to put on entry card to say the item is not for the auction.

Be careful!

Please study the rules governing entry to the Society’s shows.

Failure to follow the rules and regulations will result in disqualification.

Preparing exhibits for display – do it right!

Some helpful guidance can be found here.

Rules for this Show

Here are the rules for the RGS Summer Show – which follow RHS Show rules here .

The store will be open as usual from 10 – 12.

Want to know more about our shows? Look here:

Social Space for Site 3

Thanks to a generous bequest from Sonia Sawyer, a new tea cabin and social space, “The Potting Shed”, is now open for all on site 3. A very welcoming place to take a much needed break. Many thanks to all the volunteers that worked so hard to create this lovely spot.

Sharpening event 22nd May

Adam of Surrey Sharpeners will be working next to the Store on Site 2. Please bring your tools, kitchen knives and scissors  to be sharpened from 9.30 am. You may have to come back to collect them later. There may be time for some mowers, but this can’t be guaranteed.
Full Price List here

CASH ONLY, please.

Free food growing Webinar with the RHS – 20th May

Event runs from 4-5pm, Thursday 20 May 2021

Join the panel of gardening experts as they discuss the benefits of growing, cooking and eating food as a community as well as giving their top tips on creating and maintaining a productive patch.

Sign up here: If you can’t make it they will send you a link to view afterwards.

If you have an interesting question for the panel, please email it to