Roehampton Garden Society

Spring Plant Sale 24th April

Our plant sale will have two sessions to avoid queuing.
Similar plants will be on sale at 2 pm and again at 2.30 pm outside the store on site 2.
Bring your own bags. Masks must be worn.
Please pay by contactless card or cash into a bucket – but we are not able to give change.
All proceeds go to the Wandsworth Food Bank.

We much appreciate your plant donations. Please leave them, clearly labelled, on the tables outside the store on Saturday morning between 11am and 12 noon.

Organic Gardening Course

Starts again for 2021 on Saturday 24th April at Carshalton Community Allotment

The course and runs over 6 consecutive Saturdays.
From beginners to the more knowledgeable gardener, you’ll have the chance to learn eco-friendly gardening methods, including crop rotation, no-dig methods and organic planting techniques.
Teaching is a mixture of theory and practice, allowing students to try out the skills they learn, understanding how to plan, so they can make the most of their veg patch at home or their allotment.
Our course is Covid-safe, with theory taught live via Zoom and students learning the practical elements outdoors, with social distancing observed on the Community Allotment.

The course is organised by EcoLocal, a Carshalton based charity.
For further information and to book visit: or
Enquiries email: telephone 020 8404 1522
Cost £80 per person

Click and Collect – how it works

While the store is closed – why not click and collect?

  • Order composts, fertilisers and a full range of Kings seeds using our web order form. The link to use is sent out by email each Monday.
  • You will be sent a time to come to the store to pay by contactless card and collect your order. Pickup is always on a Sunday morning.
    Please do bring a bag with you.
  • If you are on site 2 please use and wipe down a trolley, if necessary, for heavy items.
  • If you are on site 3, your composts will be delivered to your plot on Sunday morning.

We look forward to seeing you there…….