Roehampton Garden Society

Banksian Medal for Helen

In normal times the Banksian medal is awarded to the member with the most points in RGS shows. This year the committee voted to award the medal to our chair, in recognition of her hard work and achievement in keeping the allotments open safely for us all. After the distanced presentation Helen said:

I was very surprised and delighted to receive this award. I had no idea that I was going to a presentation today! Thank you for thinking to give me the Banksian Medal and for your kind words all done in such a wonderfully conspiratorial way. However, I must stress that nothing would have been possible without our fantastically resourceful and positive committee so many many thanks should go to them too”.

Autumn show cancelled due to coronovirus increase

The Autumn show planned for Sunday September 13th is cancelled. In a message yesterday, Helen Finch, chair of the RGS said:

Very regretfully we have decided to cancel the Autumn show. The R number has gone above 1 and there are reports of Covid cases within West Putney, so we feel that the responsible action is to cancel.

The store will still open on Sunday morning

A New President for the RGS

Fleur Anderson, the MP for Putney, Roehampton and Southfields, has kindly accepted our invitation to be President of the RGS. We look forward to offering Fleur a warm welcome at future events.

Fleur said:

What a wonderful invitation. I would be very honoured to be your President and would love to come …. to as many events as I can. I love gardening myself and would love to learn a lot from you all and see the outcome of all the lockdown work you have all been doing.