Cultivating an allotment is one of the most satisfying hobbies there is. The opportunity to work the land and harvest and eat produce has given pleasure since time immemorial – but it is not an easy job. Time and application are needed in equal measure and it is not a fair weather occupation: please bear this in mind when taking on a plot.
Wandsworth residents over the age of 18 may lease an allotment.
We do have a waiting list and welcome those waiting as associate members of the RGS if they wish to join.
Applications are dealt with in strict chronological order.
You may not lease a plot on more than one allotment site in Wandsworth. If you take a plot on one of our sites you agree to give up any other allotment sites in the Borough.
No household may lease more than 5 rods in total.
When you take on an allotment you sign a tenancy agreement with RGS and Enable (Wandsworth Borough Council). You also join the RGS as a full member and agree to abide by the rules of the RGS.
All agreements and rules are downloadable from our Plotholder Agreements section. There are also clear policies on how we manage allotment issues.
Please do take time to read these documents.
There are some shared responsibilites on the sites, for instance each plot holder must help to maintain the grass paths. There are also reasonable requirements for what can be grown, for keeping bees or chickens and size restrictions for trees and sheds. See our Plotholder Agreements section.
Costs are made up of the rental and other charges, such as for water – see Costs Explained.
Starting an allotment can be a daunting process, but there will be help and advice from other members, and much enjoyment in the results. Most of the things you need can be bought in the Store on a Sunday morning.
For first steps, crop planning and gardening advice do check out our Planting and Growing section.
Join our Waiting List
If you would like to join our allotment waiting list, please let us know using our waiting list application form.